How to Write Trending Blog Posts about Education

Whether you are a teacher that loves blogging or an education enthusiast – blogging is just one way to get your expert opinion out there in the world. Blogging is an excellent way to sharpen and share your knowledge.

However, there are a few tricks that you need to apply to gain the opportunity to trend and be rusted as a subject matter expert and join the ranks of trending blogs.

Education is a topic that never runs out of momentum and in crafting trending blog topics, there are some basic rules to apply. Working in education gives you an advantage in making your blog succeed.

5 Tips to Write Trending Blog Posts about Education

1. Consistency is Key 

Your blog needs to remain consistent and this does not only apply to how often you blog but also in terms of quality. One of the aspects that keep users coming back is beautifully crafted posts that speak to different themes and trending blog topics. Once

you establish trust and a good rapport with your readers, you can become the go-to blog for education-related matters.

Depending on the specialty you choose, you can attract readers from all over the world looking to solve education-related issues. As a specialist, it can get easy to get carried away in long arguments and ideologies. However, in blogging, it is pivotal to keep your posts short and to the heart of the matter.

In addition, find a way to make your posts engaging and interact with readers as they comment. Remember, not everyone will agree with you, so be sure to be accepting of others’ opinions.

2. Share Useful and Useable Information

In choosing trending topics for blogs, you need to decide what your aims are. You could easily become a go-to site is the fact that people are able to visit it and find resources. You can either share resources that you already use in the classroom with relevant permissions or ones that you have created.

Avoid sharing things like photos of students, as this may view as infringing on their rights. The idea of sharing these resources is to make your blog more useful to readers, which increases traffic. Remember that teachers are always looking for new resources to use in their classrooms and the more innovative, the better.

Once your site is on a roll, you can also monetize certain resources and create material that educators can purchase. This is not only a boost income stream but a great way to gauge how effective your site is.

How to Write Blog Posts

3. Write About Your Passion

You probably know best about what you already passionate about. Avoid choosing a focus simply because it will trend but because you love and have an interest in it. Whether it is a specific subject, policy development, or sporting schools, etc.

Writing within your passion can even allow you to help with assignments for students who are struggling. It includes thesis, dissertation, term papers, and other college and university level writing work.

Refrain from writing about topics you are unfamiliar with and specifically blogging about products because you do not want to come across as too ‘sales-y’ for your reader. Trending blogs are not just about selling the content but being genuinely invested in the reader’s experience.

Stick to your values because many other sites will approach you asking to publish a press release or product review. It is generally best to write about the products you are interested in.

4. Know WHY you are blogging

Beyond simply dwelling on trending topics for blogs, always remain focused on why you are blogging. You can do this by reflecting on your professional development. It may take some time for your blog to truly take off, but the formation steps will impart important knowledge and experience such as finding the right tech tools for blog writing.

Blogging is growing at a faster rate than ever and you need to stand out of the noisy crowd. Another way to stay in touch with your vision and audience is to also frequently write about yourself, the more your readers know about, the more they are able to trust your blog as a go-to resource.

5. Get to Know Your CMS

Whether you choose to go the HTML or use a platform like Wix or WordPress, it is important to understand how the backend works. It has become a lot easier for people to manage their blogs over the years with vast improvements and accessibility.

If your users are struggling with a certain aspect of the site, be sure to hear them out and respond by taking a look at how you can make improvements.

Also, Read:

30 Catchy Words List To Write Blog Title


Making the decision to blog is an indication that you are also ready to grow as a professional and expand on your teaching platform. It is also a great opportunity to adapt learning material for online engagement and find ways to engage in the topic of education at an international level.

A blog also looks great on your resume as you can attract new opportunities by having potential employers read more about your classroom insights. Always remember to be honest and sincere in your writing as many bogs succeed because of their simple commitment to honest, quality writing.

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