4 Faster Ways to Help You Rank Higher on Google

If you want to know “Tip To Rank Higher On Google Search” then this article is for youAs a small business owner, by now you’ve probably realized the importance of laying a strong foundation for your brand’s online presence. That means investing time and effort into getting your company on social media, as well as creating an informative website that will act as a base for all your online acquisition efforts. And while this is a fantastic first step towards a successful online business model, it still is just that – a first step.

To get the most out of your website and reap the most benefits for your company, you need to generate traffic and rank higher on Google ranking. Relying on people typing in your exact domain name into their browser and hoping that the traffic they bring will be enough to generate leads? Well, that’s just a pretty poor business plan.

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To generate more traffic, and in turn generate more revenue for your company, you must invest in a bit of SEO. Search engine optimization, as its name suggests, refers to any action or set of actions taken that enable your website to organically rank higher on Google and other search engines.

Rank Higher on Google

If you’re familiar with this seemingly ever-present term, then you probably know how big of an industry it has become. With thousands of consulting and developing companies flooding and offering SEO services for huge amounts of money, investing in this pretty abstract thing is often absent from an entrepreneur’s to do list.

However, what many people don’t realize is that, with the right knowledge, anybody can optimize their website on their own and get higher google ranking, without any professional help. If you still haven’t got down to creating a website for your business, this is the time to do it.

To spare yourself unnecessary pain and trouble, we suggest you go with a trusted website builder that enables you to focus on your work rather than sweating over complicated codes and setup processes.

SITE123 is a fantastic free website builder whose easy setup process, intuitive features and dozens of ready-made designs make it a favorite among small business owners. What we love most about this incredible platform is the fact that it’s designed in such a way that makes even the most amateur SEO smooth and uncomplicated.

We know how hard it can be for a small business to get noticed, even with the best website in the world, so we thought we’d share a few quick and easy SEO tips.

Steps To Improve Your Google Ranking

1. Start with your URL

Contrary to popular belief, your SEO practices shouldn’t begin with your content, but rather your URL.

Apart from being your website’s address on the world wide web, your URL should also be the keyword optimized to ensure your page gets the best possible ranking.

A quick search on Google’s Keyword Planner or another similar tool should be more than enough to provide you with a list of the most popular search terms containing your keywords. Think about how you can incorporate those words or phrases into your URL – the more natural it sounds, and the closest it is to the original keyword, the better you’ll rank.

2. Don’t forget about page titles

Optimizing your URL is setting the base for your SEO efforts. Optimizing your page titles is giving your website structure and solidifying its position on SERPs.

Search engine algorithms don’t just stop scanning after your domain name – they also include your page titles in their overall ranking of your website. Giving each page of your website their own personalized title is a quick and easy way to boost your Google ranking.

free website builder

For example, if you’re running an online store, give each one of your products a custom page title – yourstore.com/black-wool-coat.html instead of leaving the generic title such as yourstore.com/product-3429.html.

SITE123 lets you change your page titles with a single click and makes it easy to implement as many changes as you want.

3. Keyword heavy content

Keyword heavy content

Now that you’ve got the basis and the structure of your website’s SEO all setup, it’s time you start filling it with content.

Your about me page, your contact information, your team pages and your product descriptions – all of those are great vessels you can use to push popular keywords into your website. Make sure the keywords you use are versatile and diverse, yet still specific enough to provide better ranking in the more niche searches.

Don’t go overboard, though. Keyword density will help your ranking skyrocket, but it could also get your website penalized. Anything above a 10% keyword density (that is 10 keywords per 100 words) is considered to be stuffing and will get your website demoted. Keep the density between 1-3% for optimal results.

4. Last but not least – ALT tags

Search engine algorithms

Search engine algorithms can read a text but are oblivious when it comes to images. If you want your content to be easily readable and engaging, adding images and graphics to it should be a must.

So, why let all that precious real estate go to waste when you can use it to boost your SEO efforts even more?

Alt tags are words and/or sentences used to describe images so they become intelligible to search engine algorithms. That way, all of the images you post will get a better organic ranking in image search results, and will simultaneously aid your SERP ranking.

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All that SEO mumbo-jumbo you’ve been hearing about doesn’t sound too complicated now, does it? Knowing just the basics of this constantly evolving practice will boost your search ranking and help your revenue skyrocket. Not a bad result for less than an hour of work. If you’ve got a few extra minutes to spare and want to know a bit more about SEO and how to make the most out of it, SITE123 has a great article on this topic, packed with useful tips, tricks, and advice. Ready to implement these 4 easy tips that will help you rank higher on Google? Start by creating a free website for your business.

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  1. Soumyadip Saha August 24, 2017
  2. Stalin October 6, 2017
  3. Ajay singh November 2, 2017
  4. Amrit Sen February 19, 2018

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