Steps To Make Online Money Through Blogging

Blogging is an awesome way to make online moneyBlogging is called the money making method for the online writers and content creators.  But it is much more than just developing the content you like or care about. Blogging is not for everyone and is definitely not a way to get quick rich. Here nothing is guaranteed, you cannot trust to anyone (the suggestions, predictions, pre-plans, etc.) and the only things that can help you to earn money are your 100% effort and 110% intelligence.

If you are really serious about building a real online business, you must understand that it is only you who is responsible for making the money, no matter a little or a lot. The article basically aimed to provide the fundamental of blogging, so that you may earn a good amount of money.

Step By Step Process To Make Money Online Through Blogging

Step 1 – Start a blog

Here, you have to finalize your niche, content strategy and a home for your new blog. Instead of getting an old school web host for a blog post, a modern day smart blogger should go with a full-service blog host like BlogPress or WordPress. These hosts manage all the technical matters concerning to the blog so that you can concentrate on the quality and traffic generation of your blog.

Step 2 – Create valuable content

A useful content is the only attraction for the readers to come to the blog, so pay a great attention to developing the organic, interesting, useful and problem solving, quality content. A promising content that can change the lives of people, by solving their problems, giving them new ideas and offering the new ways to a better lifestyle, is the key element that can make your customers trust on your blog. This trust simply boosts your blog’s money-making potential.

Step 3 – Find readers

Along with creating the useful, quality content, focus your efforts on building your blog. It is quite impractical to think that you started a blog, published the posts and the readers will automatically come searching you. Promotion is highly essential here. To understand the readers and their mentality you need to gather information in this regard such as:

  1. Are they going through your blogs?
  2. Do they show any interest in participating in the forums?
  3. What is their reaction about podcasts?
  4. The social networks, they are engaged with.

On the basis of the above information, you can get an opportunity to build a presence, add the value and foster sound relationships, but beware of spammy or black hat practices.

Step 4 – Building engagement with readers

At the same time when you are creating a good content and finding readers, you need to start engaging the people visiting your blog and building an active community. Follow the sticky blog building trick by responding to comments, communicating the readers personally, and many other ideas to look after this relationship. This engagement makes the money making much easier.

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Find ways to make money online

When all the above foundation tasks have been completed, you are in the position of making money, so start exploring the income streams. There are numerous ways to make money through blogging and to find them you need to open your eyes, consult the field experts, observe the competitors, and follow the industry leaders.

Some of the many money making ideas for blogging

  1. Advertising income: A basic and traditional money making an idea which is quite similar to the methodology of magazine and newspaper advertising! As the traffic and the blog popularity increase, the advertisers will ready to pay more for a place on your page.
  2. Affiliate income: As per the surveys, affiliate programs are the most popular income providers to the blogs. With this method, you get the commission on the sale of a product that is displayed on your site and your readers click on that link to make a purchase. If your site entertains a significant trust of your reader’s, they will follow your recommendations and will participate in your money making a performance.
  3. Products selling: You can further think about launching your products, like eBooks, online courses, paid consultations, reports, concerning software and many other lucrative products for the readers and other bloggers. Some bloggers also introduce the T-shirts and other merchandise with the logos of their blog post titles to sell.
  4. Continuity program: Many popular blogs set up a subscription or similar program for the readers to get more access to the blog or finding something exclusive in exchange for a monthly or annual fee. Such programs can include:
    1. Detailed content.
    2. Community forum.
    3. Coaching or mentoring.
    4. Access to the product, services, software and many other similar benefits.

A blogger always needs to adopt the multiple income streams that mean combining various money making ideas all together in order to generate the high volume of online income.

Must Read:

Top CPM Ad networks for Blog to make money online

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Direct or Indirect Income?

Here comes one more interesting aspect in making money online through blogging. A blogger can earn money either directly or indirectly using their blog power.

1. Direct income

It is easiest to make money through the direct income streams. You can place the AdSense advertisements; promote products of other sites or producers as the part of affiliation and many others so that the money inflow begins. The direct income is highly influenced by the traffic rate and the reputation of the blog. These factors make the advertisers willing to pay more money in exchange for placing their advertisement.

2. Indirect income

Once a blog is established, the new opportunities of indirect income come into existence. A successful and famous blogger is often invited to write guest blogs, attend seminars as a speaker, paid for his or her consultancy services or join a publication house as an author. All this is just because of a blog.


In this manner blogging is a great way to make online money. If a blogger successfully manages to create a value-based quality blog which provides the really worthful information to the readers and makes the dedicating efforts to build sound relationships with them, there is an unlimited money making opportunities are existing. He further needs to smartly adapt the well-set combination of various direct and indirect methods, so that the entire blog potential could be smartly utilized.

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  1. Rocky Wilson July 7, 2016

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