How To Find Out Long Tail Keywords For Your SEO Campaign

How to find out the long tail keywords for your SEO campaign?

Keywords are the heart element of the modern day online marketing campaign. One cannot imagine the commencing and implementation of an SEO campaign if he is not sure about that what phrases he is targeting.Without determining the most suitable keywords the marketer cannot estimate the costs and the ROI.

The term keyword research indicates the process of figuring out the phrases that the most people type on their search engine toolbox when they want some information.Here, the search volume and the relative competitiveness are the considerable elements.

Also, Read:

A Beginner’s Guide To Doing Keyword Research

How To Do Keyword Research For Your Website

Tools and techniques to perform competitive keyword research

What are long tail keywords?

The long tail keyword is a natural set of words that directly hits the target information.Though the long tail keywords result in the less search volume, it is actually the quality search where the visitors with serious intentioned requires the related information instead of the just curious visitors.

No doubt, the long tail keyword strategy is the path to the long-term success.

The visitors are also showing their preference toward the search based on long tail keywords as it is based on the natural language and while more and more online searches are being held through the mobile technology, it is especially convenient.

But it is very hard to find the right and most suitable set of long tail keywords that will actually support and complement your SEO campaign.

This article is mainly aimed to provide the essential help regarding search, locate and identify the most suitable long tail keywords for your search engine optimization campaigns and content creation strategy.

Tips to identify suitable long tail keywords

  • Getting idea

    There are many online locations from where you can have some better options for your long tail keywords option.Money is not a big matter that most of them are a free provider of keyword ideas.Google’s Keywords tool ( ) is the most reliable service that offers a great keywords service for free.

    keyword planner

    Google keyword planner

    This is Google’s very own help site that suggests and relates the mostly used long tail keywords in their searches.In google search also when you start to type your keyword it starts to present the auto-suggested drop down options.

    keyword research planner

    How to find out the long tail keyword for a campaign

    then scroll down the search results in the last you will get more long tail keyword ideas in search results

    long tail keyword idea

    Long tail keyword ideas

    These options are mostly the results of the real keywords searched by real people in the recent just need to type the related word in the search query, you are offered a good set of related keywords as a list and some of them are long tails holding the pursuing potential.They are as good as you would like to set them before making any other effort.

  • Analyzing the competitors’ strategy

    There is a huge possibility that your business competitors are already using the long tail keyword in their marketing campaign; feel good that your task is much easier now.Get an idea about these. Here you need to visit their website and generally scan it to find the normal and long tail keywords used there.Pay attention to the titles and the snippets as the long tail keywords are mostly places at these locations.You can also find them in meta tags in the source code by using keyword density checking tools ( ).

  • Forums, comment threads, and emails

    When people want some information on google search, their queries usually contain the keywords themselves.That’s why when you are picking queries out of the forums and comment threads, you are dealing with the rich, long tail keywords used by the real-time people in their Google search.The method is naturally intuitive and offers some very great adaptable ideas straight from the simply visible sources.Undoubtedly, here you are getting the smooth stream of long tail keywords ideas that you can target with your campaign.

  • Some professional tools

    The web universe is vast and there are many smart and efficient professional tools available in both free and paid genre that can provide you a significant help in figuring out the suitable long tail keyword for your keyword search.Some simply useful sites are Ubersuggest , Google analytics , Google Webmaster tools and many others.

An online SEO professional should be ready for one thing during his keyword research that the task of identifying the long tail keyword is not a simple one.The long tail keywords that he has in his hands this time are already used by a limited number of visitors.Now, the question is that how to identify a really good long tail keyword.

suggested detailed keyword research articles:

Ultimate keyword research guide

The Smart guide to performing a keyword research

Step By Step Process to assist you how to find out long tail keyword for your SEO campaign

  1. While you have identified some good long tail keyword, it’s time to move towards Google’s Keyword Tool and find the search volume for it.The tool will also help you to sense the profitability of this particular long tail keyword.
  2. There is a common problem with long tail keywords that they are mostly incorrect in the sense of grammar and syntax.So you need to figure out some creative ways to get the modified version of the targeted keywords that can be the part of your content, titles and subject matter while they could be kept intact.
  3. It is a fact that the long tail keywords do not possess a good search volume.One more thing is further added to the situation that all the results obtained through them are also not the high quality, adequate and informative content.This is an opportunity for you to attract more visitors to your site by creating some very useful content that can be a range of some very good blog posts.You also have a good chance to set some long-termer keywords that could be merged with and used together for productively target in your content.


The above are a few things to be considered while identifying the suitable and profitable long tail keywords that hold the potential to give your site improved traffic and higher ranking.It is a long-term commitment that requires the adequate time, consistency, regular keyword upgradation/maintenance and a good content these all are the best techniques and methods to find out long tail keywords for an SEO campaign, by using these techniques you will achieve good results in google search and get more leads for your business.If you have any suggestions or query related to this long tail keyword process then please share with us in the comment section below.

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