What Is Link Wheel Creation and Tips For Creating A Link Wheel Strategy

In this article learn what is link wheel creation and tips for creating a link wheel strategy? So, let’s start

The approach and element of Link Wheel strategy

When a website is launched, publish a blog or an article on the net or starts the online business, faces some starting problems. It is very difficult to build a relationship and attract people towards your content while they don’t know that how to find you. The point is, what should be done to increase your visibility on the Google search page?

Today’s online marketing competition is getting tougher each day. All developers and SEOs are working hard to develop the backlinks for their websites and achieve the higher ranking in SERPs. The best link technique that is popularly used by the experts in this field to get the top SERP position and finally the increased traffic to their website is known as “Link Wheel strategy”.

This is the best technique to achieve the trust of and higher rankings on Google. Various bloggers, as well as event bloggers, use this technique to get placed their post in the high ranks of Google Search Engine. The process of best link wheel creation is not an easy one; it involves a quality skill set, remarkable hard work and expert knowledge of web technology. But first of all, it is necessary to get the basic and primary introduction of a wheel strategy.

What is a link wheel creation?

A link wheel creation is an idea in which many websites of the same theme brought together and arrange as a wheel of links. This can be understood by an example – website X is linked to another website Y which is linked with website Z that is already linked to website X.This structure forms a wheel of the link that can contain many more web links. As shown in below image.

link wheel creation strategies

What is link wheel creation strategy

In the simpler meaning, the formation of a wheel of link actually objects to gently fool the search engines as the hide the reciprocal links through the use of third party website and no doubt the method is a full proof success. The link wheel creation system looks and works like a natural portal so it is highly accepted by Google. As per general Google approach, an authority site that contains the quality content receives higher rankings on the search pages. With link wheel formation the sites with authoritative content are simply linked to the other websites of the same nature. It also can be said that a wheel of link system is developed to use the natural internet property in its best way.

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The benefits of creating the best link wheel strategy

The advantages of the process of forming a link wheel creation can be described as given points:

  • This is the best and smartest way to increase the brand visibility.
  • It provides an effective way to achieve the higher SERP ratings.
  • Certainly, it boosts the organic traffic to a website.
  • It supports to have the best quality backlinks to support a website.
  • With wheel strategy, you can wisely place your website in the most suitable location where it can earn its best reputation.

What a link wheel creation exactly do?

Usually, there is 5 or more web 2.0 website with high SEO ranking and then they are put into the formation of the backlink of a particular website; this is what the link wheel creation really do. The “spokes” are the points in a link wheel that contain the link to the other web 2.0 website of some unique category and plays a role in developing a link wheel. Any page that is the part of your website is called a “hub”. And also known a squeeze page, offer page or “money site” on your website.

The link wheel creation approach is highly concerned with the concept of gathering the top-ranked web 2.0 website that directly or indirectly pointing or linked to your website. With this, you can complement your website the additional authority or the relevancy to the keyword term or phrase that is your target as the base of SEO ranking for your site. It is suggested to concentrate only one keyword at a time so that your page may get higher preference by The SEO result list.

While you are looking for some best websites to support your formation and development of link wheel creation, here are some suggestions:

Best 9 websites to support your development of link wheel creation

  1. Hubpages
  2. WordPress
  3. Blogger
  4. Livejournal
  5. Wikispaces
  6. Squidoo
  7. Blogsome
  8. Weebly
  9. Quizilla

First of all, prepare a list of sites or the people to inform them that you possess a really good content. There is the high possibility that some of them will not show any interest and some others will see it as a spam, but be prepared.  Thoughtfully choose the spokes from the limited websites. No need to mention that the people running these spokes are eager to get the best information. If your unique and valuable content are valuable to them and relating to their site, you are offering them the assistance as well as informing them about your content. This relevance opens the new ways to get linked with the pre-exist popular links and a quality availability to form a new wheel of a link.

The contains your link wheel creation

When you are building your wheel of a link, your focus must be on the specific subject matter of unique webs 2.0 websites which are the base of such formation. You can further focus on the blogs or articles who feature your specific keyword term or phrase. To add more value to this you may mix up some images, visual files, and podcasts also.

Furthermore, it will be good to embed some backlinks in your articles or web content. The title of your link should be a relevant text to the keyword of your target. Also, this link should be connected to the main hub page that is the heart of the entire link wheel creation. And the next backlink is advised to be pointing towards your neighboring web 2.0 website in your wheel of a link.

When your wheel of a link is finally created

Once the formation of a wheel is completed successfully; the easy part has been over. Now come to the critical part of the process and that is promoting this link wheel.

Here are some best suggestions to facilitate you the promotion of the link wheel you have developed:

  • Collect all the RSS feeds that are contained in your web 2.0 websites and combine all of them into a specific URL. Now, this is the time to submit them to the RSS directories.
  • Ping your RSS feeds.
  • As the next step, you have to social benchmarked the entire parts of your link wheel from web 2.0 properties to the main hub page. Nothing compared to your social benchmarking service is working like the Social Adr. This is actually a two-way interrelated relationship where you promote the benchmarks of the others in the exchange of the others are doing the same for you. An awesome service and without any charges. Isn’t it!

Wait for a result

When your wheel strategy is developed and also submitted properly, now you need to wait for the results to arrive. It usually takes some time that is affected by various factors such as:

  • Keep calm: Things take a time to be happening and react, so stay cool and don’t move towards “what if’s”. This mentality puts a negative effect on entire process mindset.
  • Competitiveness of the keyword: The keyword term or phrase is the key element of the entire traffic response. While your keyword term is of less competitive nature, it will be undoubtedly top on the search pages of any search engine and attract web traffic directly.

Some guideline tips for creating a best link wheel strategy

In the formation of an artificial, yet natural looking wheel of a link, the small portals of the internet are created to attain the higher ranking and attract more traffic. A developer must follow the given steps to perform this task effectively:

  • The web page that is to be linked with this formation must contain a unique and valuable content.
  • There is a regular need for monitoring the performance of the contains and the keywords used in the web page.
  • While designing your own wheel of a link, search the existing ones on Google for getting some idea and links.
  • Contact or email the controllers of the spokes to inform them about your content and asking them for the link.


I hope, I’ve explained link wheel strategy in which you might have been interested, if you have any questions regarding this link wheel creation strategy in particular then you can ask that in the comment section below.

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  1. Deepak September 8, 2015
    • Digital seoguide September 9, 2015

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