SEO Trends For 2016 Predictions

Seo trends for 2016 – Predictions!

A popular publication once posted on the article online covering what could possibly be the SEO trends for the year 2015. They listed out seven possibilities, some of which include

  1. SEO will be more technical-focused while content marketing will drive search engine marketing and specifically ranking
  2. Websites not optimized for mobile will not act well
  3. Brand mentions and citations will replace links
  4. Twitter and Facebook will still rule
  5. Humanizing brands will become important in social media
  6. Negative SEO will presumably rule out

While most of the SEO trends suggested actually make a lot of sense, but building relationship with influencers and reaching out to customers by outreach programs and carrying out brand loyalty methods are not effective yet. To become a trusted service provider in the online search engine ranking results, you need to be clever and understand what your customers will be searching and because the preferences of your customers are searching, you need to be creative about your approach.

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With the onset of every New Year search engine experts and internet marketing professionals set the tone for a heated discussion – Will Google change now? Will it herald a new beginning in the search industry? What impact a changing algorithm will bring to a webmaster and etc. While much of the discussions get a logical explanation since Google has a history of changing its algorithms and thereby changing the ranking factor, if your website is updated and it maintains some basic rules to succeed, you actually need not worry at all. With this article, we are trying to cover what Seo trends for 2016 are going to bring for us. Please note the SEO trends are just expected ideas, there is no guarantee that these will dominate or even exist. Things depend on time.

Anyways, the way at which the internet marketing and search ecosystem are heralding, we can expect these SEO trends for 2016.

seo trend

Latest SEO trend for Bloggers

1. Mobile, more Mobile, and Yet Mobile

This year, a range of important SEO trends are expected to come and shape the entire behavior and search ecosystem of the world. We will talk about it, but before that let us find out the background statistics. This year alone, a whopping number of mobile searches are expected to be done worldwide. More and more people are buying hand-held devices such as android based smartphones to compare, choose and buy their products online.

 What does this mean for businesses?

Businesses need to prepare their website in hand-held devices. If you need to actively promote your brand value on the online web, you need to find out the improved variety of simple ways to communicate with your audience. The better way to communicate is to organize mobile applications, carrying out mobile-only deals, etc. However, it is too early to say that the future of website is mobile applications. People are still habituated to browsing their products on a desktop and then opting for their products online using mobile phones. Still having a presence on mobile media is importantly vital for a company.

2. The rise of the Voice search

Google Now, Apple Siri and Windows Cortana are replacing the traditional text-based search system. Your users or audience are searching online but they are presumably taking help of voice-based searches. This, in turn, helps the possibility of making an improved search ecosystem. It is, in fact, the future of search.

What does this mean for business?

To get a higher rank in search engine results and to improve your ranking factor, you need to improve your local SEO techniques. Doing the proper SEO techniques by locally optimizing your mobile brand means you can pull in more visitors to your website

3. Negative SEO or unethical SEO practices are not applicable

2016 marketing trend

2016 Marketing Trend

To get proper value and results from search engine ranking, you need to work around some of the important factors. Seo means promoting your website at the top of search engine ranking page with mark

To ensure that you get proper value in search engine ranking results, you need to do some important variety of work modules and that before working around the important step you need to put some effort. It will become important for a company to train its existing manpower with proper SEO knowledge.

What do you think will the new year begin? Do you think it will be more about SEO and content marketing? How will SEO impact the trends and how brands need to put themselves ahead of the competition? Please tell what is going to be the future of search industry?

Must Read:

Ethical and Unethical SEO techniques


So, I think this is the Seo trends for 2016 – Predictions. With this SEO marketing article, we are trying to cover what Seo trends for 2016 are going to bring for us. Please note the SEO trends are just expected ideas, there is no guarantee that these will dominate or even exist, If you have any suggestions running in your mind for 2016 SEO trend then please share with us in the comment below.

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  1. Deepak singh September 24, 2015
  2. surbhi September 24, 2015
  3. Puneet September 24, 2015
    • Digital seoguide September 25, 2015

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