Role of Social Media In Building The Brand Image

We are back with a new and interesting topic “Role of social media in brand building” like FacebookSocial media is a compulsory part of our daily life; all our friends, relatives and the other people throughout the world can be connected with some clicks on our digital gadgets. Today, the role of social media in brand building has also been developed as the big support for business and marketing. If utilized with its whole potential and connectivity by a business organization, the social media is the most powerful tool to develop and enhance the brand image of any individual or company.

In this article, we are going to discuss the concept of social media marketing and its role in improving a brand value.

What Is A Brand Image?

A brand image is an imaginary personality of a company or the impression that the people feel about the products of a company. It is the audience and buyer’s reactions or response when they see or hear about a company logo, advertisement or products. As some clothing brands represent the sportsmanship, a particular car resembles families and a specific male perfume has attached with the sex appeal and feel that the women can be attracted through it.

This brand image is developed through the marketing and advertisement campaigns and create the positive impression on the minds of the people. Developing a brand image is very important for making people aware of the products and services and creating an aura of attraction towards that particular product range or services.  Both averages to large scale companies spent a remarkable amount of time and money on creating, maintaining and promoting this brand image.

The importance and role of social media in brand building

It is the biggest platform where you can influence the public opinion about your brand image. With every tweet, retweet, post on Facebook, like share or comment about your product, the message is communicated. The favorable comments, product reviews, and readers’ recommendations are the great worth to your company and its marketing strategy. While the role of social media channels is not limited to the geographical boundaries, your product can reach to the audiences worldwide.

Social Media and Brand Image(Brand Building)

For most of the people, social media sites are the best place to communicate, chat, comment and exchange their opinions about anything. So no doubt, when they buy something or deal with the services of any company, they share the experience and their opinion in this regard. And if you are able to achieve some favorable comments for your products, finding the good reputation among the online community is not any difficult for you. On the other hand, if some of your customers have the bad experience with your services, you can easily understand the power of social media as these stories will spread as the wildfire and can spoil the entire brand image if a very short while.

A Role Of Social Media In Building A Brand Image

Any of the social media sites are the best communicator of your message so it is highly recommended to follow the honesty and reliability while saying your words here.  If you misrepresent about the offered products and services and their features, you will be responsible for the loss of reputation and ultimately a loss of sale and profitability.

To create and maintain the social reputation of your brand image you need to take these 3 steps

  1. Be interesting: It must be your first priority to create the people’s interest towards your brand and products. Make your message interesting, so that the audience start to know about you, talk about you and finally pay attention to you and your brand.
  2. Be serious about the feedbacks: The feedbacks are the direct comments from the people that what is their view of your brand and how your brand image is growing. By maintaining the marketing strategy according to this information you can easily sharpen and improve your brand image as well as brand value.
  3. Be unique: Why people will pay attention to you if you are not providing something interesting to them. Your presentation, subject matter and also the message should be in the interesting and unique manner to catch the eyes.

Use Different Social Media Platforms

Start your social media strategy by creating your page on the leading social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and some others. A social marketing strategy that combines various platforms and aggregating a large number of audiences with the resourceful messages, is the best in the terms of engaging with the potential customers and generating the profitable outcomes.

One more thing, though you created your page on the leading social media sites, and achieved a good audiences’ response, the next and more challenging task is to maintain this brand image and reputation. Now, you need to be active on this regular update about your information and presentation also spent some time to interact with the customers by replying their comments and questions. If the two-way the conversation goes on and the customers find the best response to their sayings, it creates the trust and bond, that is ultimately reflected in the sound brand image.

Among all the popular social networking sites, Facebook is the premium one, to improve the brand value here, one can follow these 6 steps as the part of Facebook Promotion for building a brand image and can earn a remarkable follower list:

6 Main Role of Facebook Promotion For Building Brand Image

facebook for brand image

Facebook promotion for building brand image

  1. An impressive cover picture

    A good Facebook cover picture with a clear message about your brand and its unique specifications puts an impressive click in your mind in the early 5 seconds and the reader figures out that who are you and what you are dealing with. Some points to be taken into consideration, here are:

    • Use clear and high-quality image.
    • Text must be limited and relevant to your brand.
    • It should be changed or updated with the change in every season or on the regular interval.
  2. Profile picture optimization

    While the cover picture on your brand Facebook is your introduction; the profile picture is your face that is visible on Facebook and also part of the post, replies, reviews, comments and communication with the readers. It must be square in the shape and smaller yet attractive

  3. A detailed about section

    The about section of your Facebook page should be completed, well configure and containing the proper links to your official website otherwise you can lose a good deal of traffic and likes. Take the about section very seriously as this is highlighted in your profile picture and easily visible to the desktop or laptop users. You get 155 words to introduce yourself and tell the audiences that how are you and why they need to pay attention to your post. Here, along with the keywords, you need to place your website URL with much priority.

  4. Mobile view optimization

    Sometimes, the Facebook appearance of the about section is quite different in both mobile and desktop so while designing your web page and the about section, you need to optimize it according to all types of devices and clearly highlight your URL with each section of your Facebook Promotion pages such as short description, company overview, and the mission.

  5. The third party apps

    It is the matter of discussing that should there be a place for the third-party app on the Facebook page as the default landing pages are not allowed here and when seeing on the mobile, the app tab is not easily visible. Actually, these apps are very supportive in many senses. So while designing the Facebook page you need to consider the following points

  6. The posting strategy

    This is the most important part of your Facebook Promotion Though your Facebook page has a nice cover, beautiful profile pic, impressive about section and well set third-party apps, if your post is not effective enough, you are finished. As per latest social media trends, if you want to stay on the top and want a regular communication and interaction with the audiences and clients, you need to post more often. There are usually three types of posts that you can regularly upload to your page- text, pics, and links.

It is also recommended to stay tuned for the relevant posts as if you are engaged in sports wears you can post the beautiful locations and tourist points around the world, instead of this you can post the diet plans and fitness schedules of well-known sportsmen.

Must Read:


Above are the role of social media and Facebook in building the brand image. The aim of creating this guide is to make it easier for you to understand the role and importance of social media in building the brand image. By following this, you will get improvement in your brand image. If you have any query related to this article please share with us in a comment section.

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  1. Aditya February 27, 2017
  2. Dhanny Sudan March 8, 2017
  3. Mayur kohli August 14, 2017
  4. Keerthikumara S M February 10, 2018

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